Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Raccoons! Are you kidding?

Happy Tuesday. Last night was quite an adventure. While closing barns up last night, I walked in on 2 huge raccoons that were dining IN on my cat’s food. There was no food in the bowls so these 2 guys had figured out how to undo a screw top, pet food container. I have found the top open a couple of times recently and figured someone had just forgotten to close it. In hind site I now know I was mistaken. Anyway I chased the offenders out of the cats room and shut the door. These 2 did not want to leave the barn however. They scattered and tried to hide. I grabbed a broom and started hitting things and yelling, trying to make enough noise so that they would leave. I saw 1 scoot out the door but was not where I could see if both left. Well I shut the barn door hoping for the best. Soon I realized that one guy, a HUGE raccoon was still in the barn. My cats are looking at me like what??? I re-open the door and start yelling again, NOTHING, this raccoon doesn’t care at all. He goes to the back corner where my son has some moving boxes temporarily stored. I can’t get to him back there. Soooo I start making my way back to the corner, climbing over and around boxes. There is a lawn chair in my way, so I thought I could step on part of the frame and clime over it, as I try the stupid thing breaks and I find myself down on the ground all tangled up in the ———— chair. I slowly untangle myself and climb out from the mess. I am now really mad and limping so I am really yelling at the raccoon who is looking at me laughing I am sure. So I yell louder and smack him with the broom. Finally the beast runs out of the barn. Now I have to climb back out of the boxes, shut the door, and limp back to the house. I bet you are wondering why I just didn’t shoot them right? The answer is that I thought if I missed they would bleed all over the inside of the barn. In hind site it might have been a better plan, ouch. 🤣☺️Be well.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Quiet Reflection

Happy Monday everyone. It looks like we may be in for a quite April. I am working on projects that have been on the back burner for a while. The alpacas don’t seem to have any notion that the world is in crisis. As long as they get their daily hay and supplements they are happy as clams. Even though I live a very quiet life, I am feeling the social distancing. I wonder what kind of a psychological tole this is going to take on everyone. On the bright side alpacas are so good for your soul. It is almost impossible to feel sad or blue when you are around them. The online store is doing well and for that we are so grateful. 😌Stay well.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

WOW - 2 days in a row, I am on a roll. We are about 2 weeks into self distancing in the Covid 19 pandemic. So far none of our loved ones have contracted it. Life must roll along on a farm and it does. Presently we are involved in pasture management. This is tricky for us because we have limited turnout pastures, and a whole bunch of alpacas that want to enjoy them. Spring can be so tricky. The new grass that emerges is delicate. It is so tempting to let the animals out to enjoy it, but you can’t do that. The grass should be at least 3” deep before we want to let them at it. If we want healthy grass for the entire summer I need to be patient now. Isn’t it interesting that to get the most out of almost anything there is a right way to do things. There are very few shortcuts. But how can you say no to the darling faces that are pleading to be turned out. ☺️Stay safe.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Well here we go, I am going to start, regularly writing this blog. There is much to say and so many wonderful experiences to share. I am doing this thing for me. I will share my thoughts, my feelings, the things life has taught me. I have had this blog since 2010! That is 10 years and I have only managed to write in it twice, TWICE! I am ready. 😌Be safe.

Because that is who I am.

I love owning and working on a small farm, Because that is who I am. I love the connection with the animals, Because ...