Friday, May 28, 2010

The way it all began.

My journey began late summer of 2009. I was looking through the local internet classified ads, when I stumbled on a couple of ads for some male alpacas (fiber males). I starting thinking about them and the more I thought the more I wanted to purchase them.
I called my husband on the phone and just asked him to trust me and told him I wanted to spend about $1200.00 on the alpacas that I had found on the classifieds. To my amazement he simply agreed! So I made a couple of calls and made arrangements to go and pick them up.
There were 5 of them, 2 at one farm and 3 at another. When I stopped at the first farm I was met with the brightest eyes I had ever seen. These boys I was told were not registered but probably could be. Because at the time I was only thinking fiber I just loaded them up in my trailer and took off. I was instantly in love and hopelessly hooked.
The 2nd farm I stopped at had 3 white boys that had not been sheared in 2 ½ years. They were such a mess that I really could not see what they looked like. All I saw was giant balls of walking fiber. They all did have papers however and I guessed it was a good thing. The reason that they were being sold was that the gentleman that owned them had lost his job and was dispersing his herd. I was told that he had invested quite a lot of money in purchasing good alpacas. I bought them and home we all went.
I had been interested in alpacas for such a long time, it was such an amazing feeling taking them home. After I got them settled into their new home I got on the internet and started reading anything and everything that I could find. I soon started seeing a pattern in bloodlines and the actual value of well bred alpacas.
That really peaked my interest and I started wondering about my boys that I had just purchased. I soon found out that they were pretty well bred.
Well one thing led to another and I now have 8 females and 3 herdsires and several other fiber males.
I have spent the last several months going to shows and seminars. I have found that there is so much to learn. I am really wondering if I will ever get it down. I think that a lot of the fun is in the learning. So I will keep on keeping on.
Till next time.

Because that is who I am.

I love owning and working on a small farm, Because that is who I am. I love the connection with the animals, Because ...